Its that time of year where the days get shorter and colder. Time to put away the patio furniture and set out extra throw rugs on the sofa. It’s also the time for Halloween and all things orange!
Today has been exceptionally cold for me and R …. we’re not used to temperatures this low over prolonged periods. We both have just come out of a week-long stint with the flu. A whole WEEK! I have been nursing myself with lots of soups, namely chicken noodle soup. Eventually I got sick of chicken and noodles and decided to make an effort with something hearty and tummy warming ~ pumpkin soup.
Personally I am not a fan of plain ‘ol pumpkin soup, but I am a fan of the Asian version however. Its all velvety orange with the wonderful mixed aroma of cummin, corriander and coconut milk. These are also ingredients I keep in my pantry (except the pumpkin) so it wasn’t as if I had to head out in the cold to hunt them down.
- 1 small pumpkin , roasted
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1/2 red onion
- 1/2 inch fresh ginger
- 150 mls coconut milk
- 2 inch lemongrass, bruised
- 150 mls water
- 50 mls cream
- pinch ground cummin
- pinch chilli powder
- pinch nutmeg
- 1/2 chicken stock cube
- 1 tbsp fresh corriander leaves to finish
Halve the pumpkin and remove the seeds. Place them on a baking sheet and cover the tops with parchment. Place in a hot oven, 200°C for about 45 mins. Remove and cool slightly.
In a pot sautee garlic, onions and ginger along with the cummin powder, chilli powder and ground nutmeg. Then add water, lemongrass,coconut milk and chicken stock cube. Simmer.
Scoop out the pumpkin flesh and place them in the pot. Simmer.
Remove lemongrass. Take the pot off the heat and blitz everything with an immersion blender until smooth and creamy.
Return the pot to the heat and pour in the cream.
Take the pot off the heat again. Pour into serving bowls. Garnish with cream and corriander leaves.
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