Latest baking equipment purchased. I understand that it is a uni-tasker (Alton Brown might not approve) … but can’t have Madeleines without, so we shall make an exception.
Category Archive: Tools & Gadgets
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Nov 04
Cake Slicer
New toys …. me likey!! And the latest addition to my arsenal is a cake slicer. Never actually used a slicer before but I know I need one. WHY? Because I can never slice cakes properly regardless of how steady I hold my hand. Always had a secret envy toward all those people out …
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Oct 22
Light Box
Been mulling over the quality of my photos lately and today I finally found the solution to better photography … a light box! Super Duper happy with my new purchase, even if it is a cheap version from the hobby aisle at the discount store. Its been in my possession for about a week now, and here is what I have to say about it.
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